郭珊珊博士,科研助理教授,深圳市高层次人才(鹏城孔雀特聘C档)。本科毕业于华中科技大学,硕博连读于国家纳米科学中心,博士阶段于澳大利亚昆士兰医学研究所联合培养,先后于阿姆斯特丹大学医学中心与中科院深圳先进院从事博士后及助理研究员工作。主要研究方向为代谢类疾病病理生理学机制研究与治疗策略探索。相关成果发表于Nano Lett, Blood, Haematologica, ACS Appl Mater Inter, Mol Metab等杂志,期间获得并主持中国博士后科学基金、广东省粤深联合青年项目,等等。自2024年1月起获聘Nano TansMed杂志青年编委。
2015-2017,澳大利亚昆士兰医学研究所,联合培养博士生,导师: Greg Anderson;
2019-2021,荷兰阿姆斯特丹医学中心,博士后,合作导师:Chun-Xia Yi;
1. 第72批中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2022- 2023,结题,主持
2. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金 — 粤深联合青年基金项目,2022- 2025,在研,主持
3. 广东省普通高校青年创新人才项目,2024-2026,在研,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 2019-2023,结题, 参与
1.Guo S,Yi C.X. Cell type-targeting nanoparticles in treating central nervous system diseases: Challenges and hopes.Nanotechnology Reviews2023. 12(1), 20230158.
2.Guo S,Cázarez‐Márquez F, Jiao H, et al. Specific silencing of microglial gene expression in the rat brain by nanoparticle-based siRNA delivery.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2022. 14(4): 5066–5079.(This work was previewed by Matter, 2022, 5(8): 2529-2530.)
3.Guo S, Liu G, Frazer D.M,et al. Polymeric nanoparticles enhance the ability of deferoxamine to deplete hepatic and systemic iron.Nano Letters2018.18(9): 5782-5790.
4.Lu B,Guo S, Zhao J, et al. Adipose knockout of H-ferritin improves energy metabolism in mice.Molecular Metabolism2024.101871.
5.Liu G,Guo S, Anderson G.J., et al. Heterozygous missense mutations in the GLRX5 gene cause sideroblastic anemia in a Chinese patient.Blood2014.124(17):2750-1.
6.Liu G,Guo S, Kang H, et al. Mutation spectrum in Chinese patients affected by congenital sideroblastic anemia and a search for a genotype-phenotype relationship.Haematologica2013.98(12):e158-60.
7.Guo S,Frazer D.M., Anderson G.J. Iron homeostasis: transport, metabolism, and regulation.Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic care2016.19(4):276-81.
8.Guo S, Wang L, Li X, et al. Identification of a novel UROS mutation in a Chinese patient affected by congenital erythropoietic porphyria.Blood Cells, Molecules & Diseases. 2014.52(1):57-8.
9.郭珊珊,刘罡,聂广军.铁与人类健康:第10章:红系铁代谢.科学出版社. 2014.
10.You L, Wang J, Liu T, Zhang Y, Han X,Wang T,Guo S, et al. Targeted Brain Delivery of Rabies Virus Glycoprotein 29-Modified Deferoxamine-Loaded Nanoparticles Reverses Functional Deficits in Parkinsonian Mice.ACS Nano2018. 12(5): 4123-4139.
11.Wang Y, Du Y, Liu G,Guo S, Yang N, Hou B,et al. Contiguous gene deletion in HFE2 region (1q21. 1) and pathogenic HFE2 mutations in a Chinese hereditary hemochromatosis patient.Gene Reports2016.5, 167-170.
12.Wang Y, Du Y, Liu G,Guo S, Hou B, Jiang X,et al. Identification of novel mutations in HFE, HFE2, TfR2, and SLC40A1 genes in Chinese patients affected by hereditary hemochromatosis.International journal of hematology2017.105(4), 521-525.