张霖,微生物学博士,深圳理工大学合成生物学院教授。国家级海外青年人才项目获得者、深圳市“鹏城孔雀计划”特聘岗位B档入选者。主要研究方向为微生物来源的关键金属酶和膜蛋白的生物化学与结构生物学。近年代表性成果发表于Nature, Nat Chem Biol, Nat Commun, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, J Am Chem Soc, Angew Chem Int Ed等期刊。
1. Lin Zhang, Oliver Einsle*. Architecture of the RNF1 Complex that drives Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Nature Chemical Biology. 20, 1078–1085 (2024).
2. Lorena Ilcu, Lukas Denkhaus, Anton Brausemann, Lin Zhang*, Oliver Einsle*. Architecture of the Heme-translocating CcmABCD/E Complex required for Cytochrome c Maturation. Nature Communications. 14, 5190 (2023) (*co-corresponding author)
3. Pawel Lycus, Oliver Einsle*, Lin Zhang*. Structural biology of proteins involved in nitrogen cycling. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology. 74, 102278 (2023)
4. Christoph Müller†, Lin Zhang†, Sara Zipfel, Annika Topitsch, Marleen Lutz, Johannes Eckert, Benedikt Prasser, Mohamed Chami, Wei Lü, Juan Du*, Oliver Einsle*. Molecular interplay of an assembly machinery for nitrous oxide reductase. Nature. 608, 626-631 (2022) (†co-first author)
5. Lin Zhang, Eckhard Bill, Peter M. H. Kroneck, Oliver Einsle*. Histidine-gated proton-coupled electron transfer to the CuA site of nitrous oxide reductase. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 143, 830-838 (2021)
6. Lin Zhang, Anja Wüst, Benedikt Prasser, Christoph Müller, Oliver Einsle*. Functional assembly of nitrous oxide reductase provides insights into copper site maturation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116, 12822-12827 (2019)